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Build Your SaaS Outbound Sales Strategy in 7 Easy Steps: A Quick Guide

b2b saas outbound sales strategy


A B2B SaaS outbound sales strategy is the cornerstone of SaaS growth. Check out this stepwise guide to know how you can create one for your own SaaS business.

With an average sales cycle of 3 to 7 months, companies in the B2B SaaS space require something more than just a cutting-edge product. Now while inbound channels like SEO and social media are useful, it’s important that you also have a well-defined B2B SaaS outbound sales strategy. 

Now I know you might have heard people saying – “You know, all of this is fine…but outbound sales is no longer effective. Focus on inbound!” 

Well, not true. Why? Well because B2B sales success combines both inbound and outbound channels. 

Yet a lot of companies I talk to don’t know how to create a B2B SaaS outbound sales strategy. In the subsequent sections, we’ll uncover everything you need to get started with B2B sales. 

So let’s get started. 

What is B2B Outbound Sales?

YouTube video

Outbound sales is a simple, frills-free strategy involving direct outreach to your ideal prospects. You target businesses who are likely in need of your SaaS, but might not know about it yet. 

Unlike inbound sales, where the prospect themselves come to you, B2B SaaS outbound sales focuses on grabbing their attention via multichannel outreach. 

Here you leverage mediums like cold calling and emails, alongside social media outreach (via Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn).

This approach has both advantages and disadvantages – it depends on how effectively you can use it to gain the prospect’s trust. 

What is the Outbound Strategy of SaaS?

cold call outbound saas sales

In the ever-competitive world of B2B SaaS, outbound sales have emerged as a key method for proactively acquiring customers.  Outbound strategies involve reaching out to potential clients rather than waiting for them to come to you. But here’s the kicker: Not all outbound strategies are created equal, and companies must be thoughtful while analyzing the pros and cons of different types of sales channels.  

To navigate this complexity, the focus should primarily be on B2B acquisition channels that offer both reach and precision. The most popular channels include cold emailing, LinkedIn outreach, and Account-Based Marketing (ABM).

Cold emailing, in particular, can serve as a key differentiator in your B2B SaaS outbound sales process. It allows targeted communication that can be scaled to reach a large audience, while still allowing for personalization to address specific customer pain points. And this is exactly where magic happens!

Building a B2B SaaS Outbound Sales Strategy In 7 Easy Steps

As is clear, a well-defined B2B SaaS outbound sales strategy is key to your success with outbound sales. Yet, a significant percentage of SaaS companies I interact with don’t have one.

That being said, here’s how you can create a B2B SaaS outbound sales strategy for your business:

Step 1. Analyze your target audience

Understanding your Ideal Customer Profile  (ICP) is the cornerstone of any B2B SaaS outbound sales process. 

But why? Well, simply put, it’s about identifying the specific pain points, needs, and interests of your potential clients. 

To get started, conduct market research surveys, analyze existing customer data, and perform competitor analysis. Once through, you’ll have the first step of your outbound strategy solved.

Step 2: Identify Your B2B Acquisition Channels

According to Omnisend, using 3 or more channels in a campaign offers a 287% conversion rate, compared to outbound via a single channel. Relying on a single channel is like putting all your eggs in one basket. Diversifying your B2B acquisition channels mitigates risks and maximizes reach. 

Here are some common B2B acquisition channels:

– LinkedIn (Outreach and Advertising)
– Cold Calling
– Cold Email

While all of them are effective in their own way, cold email is the most suitable, organically-led channel, offering both scalability and personalization. In an industry where purchase decisions involve considerable thought and financial commitment, this personalized touch can be a game-changer.

Cold emailing doesn’t require expensive ad spends or other shiny tactics, making it ideal for both smaller startups and mid-size SaaS companies with budget constraints.

Step 3: Create and Define Sales Messaging

The significance of crafting clear and compelling messages for your B2B SaaS outbound sales process cannot be overstated. It’s not just about what you say but how you say it.

Think of your sales message as your elevator pitch in text form; you have a limited window to make a significant impact.

A well-crafted message not only grabs attention but also provokes action. If your messaging is unclear or lacks a compelling call-to-action, your outbound efforts might end up being wasted.

You can experiment with multiple versions of the message to determine what works best. Once you do this, you can also curate detailed B2B SaaS outbound sales reports outlining their effectiveness.

Step 4: Create B2B SaaS Outbound Sales Template

A well-defined B2B SaaS outbound sales strategy often hinges on the use of personalized cold email templates. After years of refining our outreach process, we’ve found templates to be indispensable for effective engagement.

A well-written B2B SaaS outbound sales template not only streamlines your outreach but also ensures a consistent brand message. It provides you a foundation upon which personalization and adaptability can be built.

[P.S. – If you’re a B2B SaaS business looking for templates to get started, check out our list of the 12 best B2B sales email templates here.]

Step 5: Implementing a Sales Tech Stack

When crafting a B2B SaaS outbound sales strategy, the choice of technology can make or break your campaign. The tech stack isn’t just a collection of tools; it’s the backbone of your entire sales operation. 

Platforms like Instantly, Pipedrive and HubSpot offer comprehensive functionalities like list segmentation, automated follow-ups, performance tracking and setting up pipeline –  all of which are essential for your B2B SaaS outbound sales process.

[P.S. – If you’re using cold email as your primary outbound sales channel, check out our comparison of the 10 best cold email tools in the market currently. Pick one that suits your requirements & can help you reach prospects in a relevant and highly-personalized manner.]

Step 6: Measure and Utilize B2B SaaS Outbound Sales Reports

Metrics are the heartbeat of any effective B2B SaaS outbound sales strategy. Without metrics, you’re operating in the dark. However, not all numbers are created equal; that’s why defining your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) is crucial.

Tracking KPIs allows you to identify what’s working and what’s not, so you can allocate resources more effectively. 

Here are a few B2B outbound KPIs to track (and mention in your B2B SaaS outbound sales reports): 

Reply rate: If people are replying to your emails, it’s an indicator that your message resonates with the audience. A low reply rate may signal a disconnect between your messaging and the target audience’s needs or pain points.

Deliverability rate: Your messaging can’t be effective if it’s not reaching the inbox. Keep an eye on this metric to ensure that your emails are not ending up in the spam folder.

Click-through rate (CTR): This tells you how many people not only opened your email but also engaged with its content by clicking on links, which could lead to conversions.

Conversion rate: Ultimately, you want your prospects to perform a specific action, such as signing up for a demo or making a purchase. This KPI measures that end result.

Cost per acquisition (CPA): This metric helps you understand the economic viability of your outbound campaigns. If the cost to acquire a customer is higher than the value they bring, your B2B SaaS outbound sales strategy needs tweaking.

Lead response time: The speed at which you follow up with a lead can significantly impact conversion rates. Slow response times can impact your bottom line, especially in the competitive B2B landscape.

Reply rate: If people are replying to your emails, it’s an indicator that your message resonates with the audience. A low reply rate may signal a disconnect between your messaging and the target audience’s needs or pain points.

Deliverability rate: Your messaging can’t be effective if it’s not reaching the inbox. Keep an eye on this metric to ensure that your emails are not ending up in the spam folder.

Click-through rate (CTR): This tells you how many people not only opened your email but also engaged with its content by clicking on links, which could lead to conversions.

Conversion rate: Ultimately, you want your prospects to perform a specific action, such as signing up for a demo or making a purchase. This KPI measures that end result.

Cost per acquisition (CPA): This metric helps you understand the economic viability of your outbound campaigns. If the cost to acquire a customer is higher than the value they bring, your B2B SaaS outbound sales strategy needs tweaking.

Lead response time: The speed at which you follow up with a lead can significantly impact conversion rates. Slow response times can impact your bottom line, especially in the competitive B2B landscape.

Step 7: Optimize the B2B SaaS Outbound Sales Process

B2B SaaS outbound sales is an ever-evolving phenomenon. Even if you’ve implemented a comprehensive strategy, there’s always room for refinement and optimization, especially when it comes to cold email.

Understanding that cold emails are just one of many B2B acquisition channels, expanding into a multichannel strategy becomes imperative. This not only diversifies your outreach but also increases your chances of closing deals further.

Final Thoughts

Crafting a robust B2B SaaS outbound sales strategy requires rigorous planning, agile execution, and continuous optimization. From zeroing in on the target audience to diversifying your B2B acquisition channels, every step enhances customer engagement and boosting conversions. But if there’s one piece that truly stands out in the puzzle, it’s the indispensable role of cold emails.

At a time when B2B sales channels are many and attention spans are short, the value of a well-crafted cold email can’t be overstated. They help you initiate meaningful conversations, build relationships, and most importantly, turn cold leads into paying customers.

At Cleverviral, we help B2B SaaS companies scale their outbound efforts via AI-driven, trigger-based cold email outreach.

If you’re a SaaS business looking to fill your pipeline with more high-quality leads & generate, book a call with us now!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are sales funnels in SaaS?

Sales funnels in SaaS usually guide prospective customers from awareness to conversion. They’re integral to any B2B SaaS outbound sales strategy and help optimize the different channels for nurturing and converting leads into paying customers.

What are the channels for B2B sales?

As a SaaS business, you can include channels like cold calling, ABM, cold email , LinkedIn outreach and SEM in your B2B SaaS outbound sales strategy.

How to create a B2B SaaS outbound sales template?

To craft a high-converting B2B SaaS outbound sales template, you first need to know your ideal customer inside & out.

Based on the insights gathered about them, you will then need to write personalized, to-the-point emails with a clear call-to-action (CTA) before you plug it into the email automation tool.

What tools are essential for tracking B2B SaaS outbound sales reports?

Some popular tools for tracking the success of a B2B outbound campaign are: Instantly, Salesforce, Hubspot, Google Analytics among others.

You can add more tools to your outbound sales tech stack, if you’re looking to track some specific actions or metrics.

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About the Author


Manan is a B2B copywriter & content strategist at Cleverviral. A content marketer and writer for 5+ years, he has written for our clients like Forms On Fire, Wigzo and Lenovo for their email and other content-related operations.Get in touch with him at: [email protected]

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