Used Video Emails to start 18 sales conversations within 30 Days for Fountane’s 3D Design Services

Leads in a Month
MRR Added
Digital Services
United States
Company Size
1-10 Employees

About Fountane

Fountane is a one-part digital product studio and one-part digital solutions firm. Through their 3D prototyping and design service – the company helps to enable 3D physical sampling of products for Fashion & Apparel designers, retailers & manufacturers. They serve various large Target and Walmart vendors to enable their 3D sampling journey and save substantial cost and time to release new products in the market.

Additionally, their SaaS offering digitizes the entire prototyping and sampling process, enabling a holistic view of a company’s collection progress from start to finish.

The Challenge

  • Conquering a relatively untapped market: Target and Walmart vendors often spend days trying to prepare and deliver physical samples to retailers – a process which increases their time-to-market, alongside increasing production costs associated with creating and shipping these prototypes.

With a unique solution addressing a relatively niche problem, the client required a lead generation process – one that could help them reach the right decision-makers and highlight how Fountane’s 3D prototyping solution streamlines their product development process.

  • Gauging interest of early adopters of 3D Design Sampling: With a relatively new method of sampling to replace the conventional physical sampling process, finding prospects who were early adopters was of utmost importance.
  • Unable to reach decision-makers: Fountane’s sales team weren’t able to reach the right decision-makers and showcase the effectiveness of their product.
  • Little success with past outreach campaigns: Even though Fountane had run cold email campaigns previously, they didn’t see much success with them. The reply rates were low, and some of their emails were also landing in spam.

What We Did?

We started by looking at unique sales triggers that can give us a solid intent of early adopters in the space. We found a few avenues where design teams were looking to learn more about the adoption of 3D designs. With relevant details of the Target and Walmart vendors’ key decision-makers in hand, we were ready to tackle this exciting opportunity by leveraging the power of the good old cold email marketing & video prospecting methods.

The CleverViral team employed a Video-First Outreach Strategy to establish connect with the right decision makers on Fountane’s behalf to create high-intent demand for their product.

Here’s how we helped:

1. Sales Triggers & Segmentation

A targeted list of potential prospects with a solid intent was prepared by us. The client wanted to target brand-specific vendors & manufacturers for their professional services. The SaaS product was to be positioned in front of brands with an existing 3D design team.

This allowed us to break the tailor our pitch specifically to the needs and pain points of each group.

2. Copywriting & Video Personalization

  • Crafting outreach sequences: We leveraged the previously-collected list of contacts to craft a highly-personalized cold email sequence emphasizing the benefits of Fountane’s 3D prototyping solution.
  • Video Personalization: We then created various video sales emails that focused on specific pain points faced by these vendors.

3. Campaign Setup and Delivery

Once the ICP was clarified and the channels decided, we wrote the email sequences and set up video prospecting campaigns that could:

  • Communicate the core value proposition of Fountane’s 3D solution for Target & Walmart vendors.
  • Redirect potential prospects to check out Fountane’s website & book a call with their sales team in a personalized & scalable manner.

4. Tracking

Our team consistently tracked the performance of these campaigns – analyzing metrics such as the number of positive responses received, reply rates, video views and conversions.

  • We leveraged both text & video in sales emails to pitch Fountane’s 3D prototyping solution to over 300 Target and Walmart vendors.
  • The video emailing campaign, which formed an integral part of our approach, achieved a unheard of 9% reply rate. This level of engagement resulted in 18 positive responses and the booking of 18 meetings within the first 30 days.
  • Moreover, our video prospecting campaigns played a pivotal role in generating substantial revenue for Fountane. Fountane secured USD $8k per month in Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR).

Notably, out of the 18 meetings we booked, 2 converted into paying customers.


18 New Meetings Booked

In 30 days through video prospecting campaigns targeting ICP-focused decision-makers.

300+ Contacts Reached Out

Through data sourced from a high-intent lead list consisting relevant information of stakeholders.

Over USD 6k added

In monthly recurring revenue through highly-personalized outbound campaigns at scale.

  • We leveraged both text & video in sales emails to pitch Fountane’s 3D prototyping solution to over 300 Target and Walmart vendors. 
  • The video emailing campaign, which formed an integral part of our approach, achieved a remarkable 9% reply rate. This level of engagement resulted in 18 positive responses and the booking of 12 meetings within the first 30 days.
  • Moreover, our video prospecting campaigns played a pivotal role in generating substantial revenue for Fountane. In addition Fountane also secured nearly $6k per month in Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR). 
  • Notably, out of the 12 meetings we booked, 4 converted into paying customers.
Reading Time
10 min
July 23, 2023
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