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How Can B2B SaaS Companies Use Cold Email Templates for Partnerships? – A Quick Guide

cold email templates for partnerships


B2B SaaS business looking to collaborate with other companies and grow to the next level?Use these cold email templates for partnerships to get started!

Navigating the labyrinth of B2B SaaS sales, many professionals find themselves at a crossroads when faced with the task of sending a cold email for partnership. A startling fact is that nearly 70% of cold emails are never opened, showcasing the inherent challenges around effective cold outreach. 

Over the last quarter, we’ve steered multiple campaigns for clients that unlocked a plethora of partnership opportunities, consistently defying industry averages. Immersing ourselves in this arena, we’ve gathered firsthand insights on the nuanced art of cold emailing. 

In this article, we’ll unravel a collection of our top-performing cold email templates for partnership but also guide you through the meticulous process of crafting your very own.

So let’s get started! 

What is a partnership email?

What is a partnership email?

Before we get to knowing more about the cold email templates for partnership purposes, it’s important to understand what a partnership email really is! 

As a B2B marketer or salesperson, brand growth is one of the key concerns related to your job. This usually involves reaching out to more people, that too in new or unfamiliar industries or categories. 

In this scenario, you could either go the traditional route & use common tactics like social media, paid ads and in-person events – or choose one of the cold email templates for partnership to launch a full-scale outreach campaign via email. 

A partnership email is a strategic pitch that you send to potential collaborators, organizations & individuals to initiate a collaboration between your company and them. 

When conducted properly, such partnerships can be transformative, turbocharging your customer base as well as catalyzing brand growth.

How to Create An Effective Partnership Email Strategy?

5 steps to craft an engaging partnership email strategy

Before diving into best practices around using cold email templates for partnership, it’s pivotal to anchor your approach at the back of an informed, effective email strategy. 

Here’s a quick overview of how you can create an effective partnership email strategy for yourself: 

Know Your ICP

Before you jump into anything else, it’s important to identify who your target client is. This is pretty much the most important step in the creation of a partnership email strategy since it defines the exact type of person, organization or decision-maker you’ll be reaching out to for a partnership. 

A study by Forrester found that high-maturity companies drive around 28% of their revenue via partnerships. 

Grasping the values, challenges, and aspirations of potential partners ensures that the partnership outreach email template you use to write your email doesn’t merely pitch, but engages them. 

Identify the right partners

In the vast B2B landscape, discernment is key. Simply approaching entities with a partnership request letter or proposal can be ineffective, especially if you don’t know who to target. 

Once you have the ICP dialed in, it’s time to identify the right partner for your partnership proposal. You can start by scouring through a database of influencers, online industry forums and companies that already have an established relationship with your ideal clients. 

An easy hack to do this is to start by focusing on products or services that are closely related to your own. 

Then create a list of partners who resonate with your ethos and have complimentary offerings. 

Identify their motivations

After choosing your partners, it’s important to also come up with an offer that the prospective collaborators would be interested in. This would become the key value proposition that you could use in your cold email templates for partnership. 

A partnership thrives on shared motivations and goals. Your email shouldn’t merely outline the advantages of a partnership. It should echo mutual aspirations and demonstrate an understanding of both parties’ visions. The essence is to ensure that both entities see a shared future.

This approach is one of the best business partnership email examples, and will be ideally suited for businesses looking to collaborate with another business or organization.

Start your outreach

Personalization stands tall in partnership outreach. Given that 66% of business partnership proposals are often rejected due to a perceived lack of personalization, it’s crucial to ensure your partnership outreach email template highlights the shared objectives. 

By doing this, you can make your potential partners feel seen, understood, and valued.

Once you have a fair idea of who you want to partner with, use a tool like Apollo to find their emails, and start reaching out to them by using personalized cold email templates for partnership. 

Follow up regularly

Collaborating with partners and influencers can help you boost sales, and grow your customer base exponentially. 

To that end, the utility of your cold email templates for partnership doesn’t end at the initial email. You can also use these partnership outreach email templates for following-up with your prospects. 

Make your pitch tailored to each individual or prospect and keep in mind to follow-up from time to time.

Standardize the processes

Once you’ve got a positive response, make sure to standardize the processes in order to let the collaboration flow effortlessly and in a predictable manner.

To that end, here are a few things you need to define moving forward:

Create cold email templates for business partnership that the partner/collaborator will use to communicate with their subscribers

Define the number of messages the collaborators will have to send out

Identify the modes of communication to be used – a guest post, sponsored content, newsletter content or emails

Make sure to follow up and track the progress of your campaign.

5 Cold Email Templates for Partnership – Use them to land more opportunities!

Using tailored cold email templates for partnership can help in running your outreach in a more efficient manner. They not only ensure you get replies, but can also be a big time saver. 

That being said, it’s often difficult to find a suitable strategic partnership email template for your business or use case. 

We understand that, which is why we’ve come up with a list of 7 highly-effective cold email templates for partnership. 

You can simply choose one from the list below to get started:

Business Partnership Email

Business partnership emails aim to initiate a collaboration between two businesses that see mutual benefits. These partnerships often revolve around complementary services or products. Such collaborations can take the form of joint ventures, co-branding, or even referral partnerships. 

A business partnership email should clearly convey the shared value both entities can achieve together. It’s not just about what you want but also about identifying and understanding the needs of the potential partner. 

Historical data indicates that successful partnerships usually merge the strengths of both companies, creating a synergy that benefits both in terms of market reach, revenue, and brand enhancement.

Here’s a business partnership email example for your reference: 


Hello {{firstName}}, 

Our team at {{Your Company}} is gearing up for [specific project]. Given the synergies in our work, we believe a collaboration with [Their Company] could elevate this initiative. Let’s explore how our combined expertise can make [project] a resounding success.


{{Your Name}}

Media Partnership Proposal

A media partnership typically involves two entities collaborating on content promotion, distribution, or co-creation. This could be between a brand and a media outlet, two media houses, or even between a brand and a content creator.

Such partnerships are potent tools for widening content reach, enhancing brand visibility, and even driving event attendance. 

According to Campaign Live UK, media partnerships drive up to 2x as much effectiveness for a brand campaign over advertising. 

The interesting bit is, this isn’t some marginal gain which might be undermined by increased efforts in terms of overall return – but rather a significant leap in terms of brand delivery. 

Here’s another one of our quick cold email templates for partnerships in this context: 


Hi {{firstName}}, 

Love what {{companyName}} has been doing in the {{industryName}} space for a while. Found the recent {{mention popular story, recent event}} to be extremely insightful. Made me think hard about {{mention key takeaway}}.

Having followed your insights closely, I thought you’d be the best person to reach out to at {{companyName}}. 

We’ve recently {{mention your one-sentence pitch}}. In fact {{companyName }} & {{companyName}} reported X% {{mention specific benefit}} since they started working with us. 

We’re growing rapidly & would love to have {{companyName}} as a media partner. 

This could also mean great things for you, specifically:

  •  Benefit 1
  • Benefit 2
  • Benefit 3

Sounds like something you’d be interested in? 

Best regards,


Brand Partnership Proposal

Brand partnerships can lead to cross-promotional opportunities, shared audiences, and collaborative innovation. 

A recent research study by Forrester revealed that 49%  of companies reported a boost in revenue after investing in a brand partnership, while 45% of them saw an increase in brand awareness. 

An effective brand partnership proposal can be useful for both parties, allowing them to maximize their reach and increase visibility. 

It also provides them a chance to come together & create unique IPs and experiences that weren’t entirely possible individually. 

Here’s a quick collaboration email template for brand partnerships: 


Hi {{firstName}}, 

I’m reaching out to see if you’re looking to collaborate with another business in a similar domain and possibly explore a brand partnership opportunity. 

Since,  {{your company name}} and {{collaborator’s company name}} cater to a complementary audience – why not join hands & create a unique experience for our customers? 

Would you be open to exploring this further? 

Let me know what you think and I’ll share more details.



 Event Partnership Proposal

Event partnerships involve collaboration between entities for a specific event, be it an online webinar, a product launch, or even a seminar. 

Such partnerships can help in pooling resources, increasing audience size, and enhancing event credibility.

By combining promotional efforts, event partnerships can lead to a broader audience reach. 

A survey by Bizzabo indicated that 80% of marketers believe live events are crucial to their company’s success, making partnerships in this domain particularly valuable.

Here’s how you can use the cold email templates for partnerships in relation to events: 


Hey {{firstName}}, 

Been following your (mention specific detail about them) for a while now.

Given your experience & interest in (mention specific topic/idea), I thought you might be interested in being part of an event my team at {{companyName}} is putting together. 

We’re planning it from {{specify date range}} at {{location}].

The event looks to (mention specific event goals) & we’d love it for you to be here.  

This could be a great opportunity for both {{your company}} & {{prospect’s company}}  – while also bringing our customers/audience together. 

Would love to discuss this further based on your availability this {{mention specific date or day}}. 



Strategic Partnership Proposal

Strategic partnerships might involve product integrations, shared marketing efforts, or even research and development collaborations. Research by the Harvard Business Review suggests that such alliances can boost innovation, market penetration, and even reduce operational costs when both partners align their resources effectively.

A strategic partnership email is geared towards a long-term relationship where two companies align their goals and resources. 

They go beyond mere business transactions and often involve shared visions, mutual growth objectives, and synchronized strategies.

Here’s a strategic partnership email template for your reference: 


Hi {{firstName}}, 

Your recent initiative, [specific project or product], caught our attention. At [Your Company], we’ve been exploring avenues for a strategic partnership that aligns with such innovative endeavors. 

Would you like to discuss further on how a collaboration could pave the way for shared milestones and success? 


{{Your Name}}

How to Use these Cold Email Templates for Partnership Effectively? – A Stepwise Process

Crafting cold email templates for partnership is just the start. Once you have them, the subsequent challenge lies in deploying them effectively. 

With a plethora of tools and ‘hacks’ at our disposal, the right strategy can give your outreach an edge. 

Here’s a quick guide on how you can use these cold email templates for partnership in a more effective and scalable manner: 

  • Have a cold list of potential partners: Before hitting the send button, it’s crucial to have a clear list of potential partners. This list should be derived from thorough market research, keeping in mind your industry, objectives, and the mutual benefits of the partnership. 

As reported by Campaign Monitor, segmented campaigns drive a 760% increase in revenue, showcasing the importance of targeting the right potential partners.

  • Enriching the data with more information: With the average business user receiving 121 emails per day, standing out becomes paramount. 

The more you know about your potential partner, the more tailored your email will be. Tools like Apollo and Octoparse can assist in this enrichment process, ensuring your email isn’t just another unread notification.

  • Personalize the message: Gone are the days of generic partnership proposals. Tailoring your message to resonate with the specific needs, objectives, and values of your potential partner is essential. 

By adding layers of personalization to your cold email templates for partnership, you can ensure higher open and response rates.

  • Sending the Emails: Timing, frequency, and mode of sending play a pivotal role. Use email tools that allow you to schedule and track emails. 

Being aware of the best days to send business emails (usually Tuesday to Thursday) can significantly improve your email’s chances of being noticed and opened.

In conclusion, while having an arsenal of effective cold email templates for partnership is a strong starting point, leveraging them optimally is where the real challenge and opportunity lie. 

Embrace the tools and strategies at your disposal, ensuring every partnership outreach is strategic, tailored, and value-driven.

Go beyond just templates, set up your AI-powered outbound system from scratch!

Harnessing the power of cold email templates for partnership propels B2B businesses to establish collaborations that are both rewarding and transformative. As you embark on this journey, remember, it’s not just about using templates. It’s also about the strategies you use, alongside a host of other factors. 

You can do it yourself or you could work with a trusted partner like Cleverviral that can help you manage your entire outbound function – from setup to execution. 

To know more, check out our cold email services here!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a good email strategy to secure brand partnerships?

A good email strategy to secure brand partnerships involves research, personalization, and follow-up. You start by thoroughly researching potential partners, craft personalized emails & communicate mutual benefits among others.

Make sure to use a compelling subject line, alongside having a consistent follow-up strategy in case you don’t receive a response within a week or two.

What are the elements of a great partnership email?

A great partnership email is backed by extensive research, alongside personalized copy tailored to answer the most important questions for your potential partners & a solid follow-up strategy.

Make sure you include mutual benefits and social proof to convince prospects further.

The cold email templates for partnership that you use could be another great resource to learn the art of crafting a value-driven partnership email.

What to avoid in a business partnership email?

When crafting a business partnership email, avoid being too generic or impersonal; always tailor your message to the specific recipient. Refrain from making it overly long or filled with jargon; clarity and conciseness are key. Don’t neglect to research the company or individual you’re reaching out to, as showing a lack of knowledge can seem unprofessional.

You must also steer clear of false promises, using spam words or being pushy in your approach.
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About the Author


Manan is a B2B copywriter & content strategist at Cleverviral. A content marketer and writer for 5+ years, he has written for our clients like Forms On Fire, Wigzo and Lenovo for their email and other content-related operations.Get in touch with him at: [email protected]

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